All full-time students1 are entitled to current students fares2. To enjoy this privilege, apply for your photo OPUS card.

To obtain your photo OPUS card:

 Your academic institution must be recognized by the Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur (MEES)

 Use links below to transit service providers websites and check information about required documents and applicable fees for issuing photo OPUS card, as well as available student2 transit fare products.

 Three ways to obtain your photo OPUS card

- Students from participing academic institutions can now submit their requests online through their student portals. The new OPUS card with photo will be delivered by mail at the student's home address. For more details, consult STM website

- Go to either the STM photo studio, ARTM metropolitan ticket counter or exo service center of any transit organization serving the north or south shores.

- You can consult our OPUS Tour renewal schedule or back-to-school visits to verify if your school will be visited by our photographers and to save the date :

RTL's back-to-school visits

STL's school tour

STM's tour renewal

This initiative is set forth by the Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain in collaboration with the transit service providers within its territory : RTL, exo, STL and STM.

1 Full-time students must answer to the criteria set forth by the transit service provider that issues the photo OPUS card. Please visit transit service providers website.
2 « Student fare » refers to fare reduction, offered by transit service providers to eligible full-time students, sometimes called reduced fare or student fare, depending on transit company.